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Gordon : You look so miserable. Why the long face?

Gordon : I hate it when she invites us over for dinner. 戈登:我讨厌她邀请我们吃晚餐。
Gordon : I understand. I have ten brothers and sisters too. 戈登:我明白,我也有十个兄弟姐妹。
Gordon : That must take a long time. What do you use? Gel, hair putty or wax? 戈登:一定花很长时间,你用发胶、发泥还是发蜡?
Gordon : Well, you're only a little bit fat. You could try the gym, a beauty salon, an aerobics class, dieting, giving up the booze. The list is endless. 戈登:嗯,你只是有点胖,你可以做健身、去美容院、跳健康舞、节食、戒酒等等,多不胜数的方法。
Gordon : Wow. That was some party last night. So, what's your New Year's resolution? 戈登:哇,昨晚这个派对真像个派对,那你的新年誓言是什么呢?
Gordon : You look so miserable. Why the long face? 戈登:你看来很伤心,为什么愁眉苦脸呢?
Gordon Brown acknowledges that much work remains on boosting relief funds and on dismantling present trade barriers that greatly affect exports from developing countries. 布朗承认,在增加援助基金,消除贸易壁垒方面还有很多工作要做,贸易壁垒严重影响了发展中国家的出口贸易。
Gordon Brown, the chancellor of the exchequer and probable prime minister from this summer, preferred a chamber with 80% of its members elected. 今夏当选英国首相呼声最高的现财政大臣戈登?布朗,赞成80%的上议院议员由选举产生。
Gordon Dahl, associate professor at the University of Rochester, who carried out the research, said the UK's tax credit system was likely to yield similar results as in the US. 负责主持这项研究的罗彻斯特大学教授高登戴尔表示,英国的税制系统似乎略逊于美国。
Gordon and Francis are classmates. They are discussing their favorite subjects. 高登和法兰西斯是同班同学。他们正在讨论最爱的科目。
Gordon is an insider to what’s happening on Wall Street. 戈登先生是华尔街所发生的事的内幕知情者。

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