To persevere, trusting in what hopes he has, is courage in a man. (Euripides , ancient Creek dramatist.
人的勇气就是坚信自己的希望能够实现,并为之进行不屈不挠的努力。 |
To persist in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in success.
只要不失目标地继续努力,终将有成. |
To persuade YMCA officials, he struck a deal to work on commission.
为了说服基督教青年会的官员,他与他们达成协议,干活只拿佣金。 |
To persuade YMCA officials, he struck a deal to work on commission. Soon he was pulling in $30 a night.
为了说服基督教青年会的官员,他与他们达成协议,干活只拿佣金。很快他就能赚到一晚30美元。 |
To persuade the birds to stay away from power lines, all condor candidates for wild release were raised in a cage with a wide variety of perches.
为了教导秃鹫们远离户外电力线,研究人员在将其余的秃鹫都置于一个笼子里喂养,笼子里布满了各式的栖身之所。 |
To pervert the course of justice is to prevent justice being done.
搞歪司法程序就是防止司法的落实。 |
To photography art, a true one might not beautiful, but a beautiful one must be true.
对于摄影艺术来说,真实的不一定都是美的,而美的必然是真实的。 |
To pick up the convergence speed of traditional genetic algorithm, a modified genetic algorithm is presented, which is based on subsection integer coding, combining stable-state selection strategy with inequality individual and scaling, adaptive recombina
将两幅图象重叠区域的归一化差图象作为搜索空间,定义一个与图象高相等维数的向量作为染色体,染色体的基因表示每一行图象中的最优拼接点,采用常用的最小值搜索适应度函数作为视差图像拼缝搜索的适应度函数。 |
To pick up the micro shock pulses, a mathematical model on the technology of resonant demodulation is put forward and the pulse response of this model is derived, they provide the theoretical foundation for the application of the technology.
为了提取微脉冲冲击,文中提出共振解调技术数学模型,并求解该模型的脉冲响应,为该技术的应用提供理论依据。 |
To placate an infant distressed by this separation, mom would offer vocal, rather than physical, reassurance and continue her search for sustenance.
婴儿离开了母亲,当然会十分沮丧,妈妈为了安抚他,就出声逗弄他,让他知道妈妈并没有抛弃他,而不是以身体的直接接触让婴儿安心。 |
To plan a mountain climbing expedition.
计划登山探险。 |