A mischievous person; a prankster.
喜欢恶作剧的人;爱胡闹的人 |
A mischievous spirit in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
阿里尔莎士比亚戏剧中的一个淘气的精灵(出自)暴风雨 |
A mise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top.
一个智者从井底看到的比一个傻瓜从山顶看到的还要多. |
A miser gives undue importance to making and saving money.
守财奴对赚钱和存钱孰轻孰重的认识有误。 |
A miser lusts after gold.
守财奴死要钱。 |
A miserly father makes a prodigal son.
有吝啬的父亲就有败家的儿子。 |
A misogyny-fuelled campaign against Mrs Clinton could send women back to the Democrats in their millions.
所以如果真的出现涉及到反女性的活动,会让这些女性选民挟裹百万选票重归民主党阵营。 |
A miss is as good as a mile.
失之毫釐,差之千里。 |
A missile was projected into space.
导弹被发射升空。 |
A missing hiker in Oregon has been found alive.
在俄勒冈州失踪的一名远足者被发现还活着。 |
A mission begins with a warning order.
一项任务以预先号令开始。 |