The intrinsic aesthetic psychological structure: surprise / startle-depression, resistance-the accumulation, spurt-ponder.
这种内在的审美心理结构为:惊讶/骇―压抑,抗争―积聚,喷涌―涵泳。 |
The intrinsic chemical reaction rate constant was insensitive to the precursor and the calcinations history of CaO, but the product layer diffusivity was affected by these two factors in the initial stage and decreased to a constant value with increasing
化学反应速率常数不受氧化钙的先驱物与其锻烧程序所影响,但产物层扩散系数在初始阶段则受到上述两因素的影响,并随著氧化钙的转化而减少至一定值。 |
The intrinsic idea and the emotion transformation from the modern public ceramic skill, which the ceramic language and the manufacture method are made three-dimensional space art.
摘要现代公共陶艺借助陶瓷语言和制作手段将内在观念、情感物化为三度空间艺术。 |
The intrinsic of an option is the maximum of either zero or the market price minus the exercise price.
期权的内在价值最低为零,最高等于市场价格减履约价格的差额。 |
The intrinsic value conflicts between politics and ethics determine the base line and limits of the ethicizing of politics; the basic demands of individual survival, community survival and type survival decide that the ethicizing of politics must take the
摘要政治与伦理之间的内在价值冲突决定了政治伦理化实现的底线与限度;个体生存、群体生存以及类生存的基本需求,决定了政治伦理化的实现必须以实现个人美德、社会正义以及环境正义之间的价值共契为限度;而这一“价值共契”的实现则要求我们必须建立和健全市民社会的制度生态。 |
The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.
一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值。 |
The introduction and replantation of anthropology and ethnology knowledge to our country arise from three needs, which is the internal modernization need of nationality-nation, the external need of world system and the educational need of contemporary per
摘要人类学民族学知识在中国的传入与移植,根源于三种诉求:即民族-国家现代化的内在诉求;世界体系的外在诉求;近现代国民教育的诉求。 |
The introduction form provides the scheduled date.
这介绍表格提供新进员工简介训练时间表日期. |
The introduction is stiff, embarrassing; Naif.
介绍时拘谨而尴尬:奈伊夫。 |
The introduction of Robbie Fowler meant Liverpool no longer had the outlet of searing pace in the most advanced roles.
福勒的上场意味着利物浦别想在最前线的地方拥有速度了。 |
The introduction of a system of flying buttresses made possible the reduction of wall surfaces by relieving them of part of their structural function.
飞拱建筑体系的引入,减轻了墙体的支撑功能,从而减小了墙面。 |