Corporation, established in January 1996. is a professional production caps, gloves manufacturers, the existing staff of over 400 people, covers 7,000 square metres, and advanced technical equipment (Korea, Japan imported Japanese white-eye plane eight Ta
公司创建于1996年1月,是一家专业生产帽子、手套的厂家,现有员工400余人,占地面积7000平方米,并拥有先进的技术设备(韩国、日本进口绣眼机八台、里条机、整烫机、缝边机、高速平缝机等专有设备270余台)和雄厚的技术力量。 |
Corporations and firms may reappoint their member representatives at anytime according to their needs and the formerly appointed member representatives lose the representative qualification once new representatives are appointed.
公司、行号因业务需要得随时改派会员代表。原派之会员代表,于新会员代表派定后,丧失其代表资格。 |
Corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime.
其存在时间不受限制。 |
Corporations can achieve short term financing through a bills facility, however for long term financing the best method is for them to issue a bond in their own name.
公司通过汇票获得短期贷款,但是要获取长期贷款的话,最好的方法是以他们的名义发行债券。 |
Corporations can sell stock as a way to raise money.
公司可以通过出售股票作为筹集资金的手段。 |
Corporations cannot be trusted to voluntarily respect the environment.
不可相信企业会自发地考虑环境问题。 |
Corporations issue different types of stock to appeal to a wide variety of investors. The stock of a corporation may be either common or preferred and par or no-par.
公司发行不同种类的股票以吸引范围广大的各类投资者。公司的股票或为普通股,或为优先股,或有面值,或无面值。 |
Corporations may be privately or publicly owned.
公司可以是私有制或共有制。 |
Corporations pay income tax and must account for the income tax expense and income tax payable.
公司必须交纳所得税,核算所得税费用和应缴所得税。 |
Corporations, from small businesses to multinationals, rely on the TOEIC test to document progress in English-training programs, to recruit, promote, and hire employees, and to implement a common standard of measurement across multiple corporate sites.
对公司而言,从小公司到跨国企业,依赖TOEIC考试来记录英语训练计画的过程;在多个企业点中,提供招募,升迁,雇用员工的基准. |
Corporations, increasingly frustrated with ineffectual efforts by governments to crack down on piracy, have either turned to private detectives for help or have even built their own antipiracy squads in hopes of stemming the avalanche of bogus merchandise
由于各国政府打击假冒伪劣产品成效不显著,各公司渐感失望之馀,转而求助私家侦探,甚至自己成立反仿冒小组,希望能遏止排山倒海而来的伪造商品。 |