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Putting stress and load testing off to the last minute is common, but it leaves you little time to do anything substantive when you discover your product doesn't scale up to more than 12 users.

Putting on my 'Masters of the Universe` braces, I learn that 'Liverpool are on the verge of a new era after the chairman and majority shareholder, David Moores, granted Dubai International Capital permission to undertake due diligence in anticipation of a 在我背上“宇宙主人”的背带时,我就听说利物浦主席和股份持有人戴维莫尔承认迪拜国际资本公司希望用4亿5000万英镑收购利物浦后说:“利物浦将要开启一个新的时代。”
Putting on these magical boots he could travel seven miles in one step. 穿上这神奇的靴子,他走一步就可以跑七里。
Putting our eaten food into energy,which is called metabolism. 把我们所吃的食物转换成能量的过程叫做新陈代谢。
Putting out fire with CO2 bottles. 用二氧化碳灭。
Putting particular emphasis on analysis how to improve investor self's factor, makes open type of our country investment funds risk administration system step by step perfect thereby , the marketplace beneficial to opening dyadic investment funds gets muc 侧重分析如何提高投资者自身的因素,从而使我国的开放式投资基金风险管理体系逐步完善,有利于开放式投资基金市场在我国得到更好的发展,缩小国内外风险管理之间的差距。
Putting stress and load testing off to the last minute is common, but it leaves you little time to do anything substantive when you discover your product doesn't scale up to more than 12 users. 将压力测试和负载测试推迟到最后一刻才进行是一种常见的情况,但是这样做的结果是,当你发现你的产品不能支持12个以上的用户时,你已经没有多少时间来采用实际的措施。
Putting the best face on the pullout, the leadership in Moscow and Kabul exchanged official messages reaffirming the continuation of a relationshipsealed by blood. 为使撤军无损颜面,莫斯科与喀布尔(阿富汗首都)的领导人交换官方照会,再度肯定继续“热血凝成的”友谊。
Putting the paramilitary leaders on trial, combating any of their followers who return to violence and helping the rest to adopt civilian lives would be complicated in a far more developed country. 将准军事领导人绳之以法,打击那些重施暴力的追随者,帮助其他准军事成员选择平民生活在一个相当发达的国家都可能非常复杂。
Putting those savings into the product, because cheap plastic interiors are not competitive no matter how handsomely designed or crisply molded. 把节约下来的钱投入到产品上,因为即使设计或造型很好,如果内饰很差的话,还是没有竞争力的。
Putting together, we suggest that corticosteroids and hydroxychloroquine for treating SLE activity are able to control thyroid inflammation and hypothyroid function. 总之,治疗全身性红斑狼疮而使用的皮质类固醇及氢氧奎宁可能可帮助控制甲状腺发炎及甲状腺功能低下症。
Putting undue stress on book knowledge will weaken students' enthusiasm for creative thinking. 过分强调书本知识会削弱学生创造性思维的热情。

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