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Brellick rode next to him with explicit orders to protect the boy from harm.

Breeding true (pure breeding) The production of offspring whose genetic makeup for particular alleles is identical to that of their parents. 纯育:后代特定的等位基因的遗传组成和双亲完全相同。
Breeze, now, you are too with me similar and sad with tire? 风,此刻,你是不是也和我一样的难过和疲倦了呢?
Breeze:My love, have shut down? 风:我的爱,已经关机了吗?
Breif introduction of several typical clean-room systems used in different cleanliness, analyze the differences between construction and operation cost of various systematic model, Give methods of choosing advanced solution of clean room. 简述了不同级别洁净室采用的几种典型的洁净室系统型式,分析了不同的系统型式的建造及运行成本的差异比较,提出了关于洁净室的优先方案选择的方法。
Brell rubbed his chin thoughtfully. I will do as you suggest. 巴瑞尔摩擦者下巴思索着,最后终于说“我会按你说的做。”
Brellick rode next to him with explicit orders to protect the boy from harm. 布瑞力克奉命跟他并骑着以免这孩子受到伤害。
Bremen are second in the group on seven points and need a win against Chelsea to maximise their chances of edging reigning champions Barcelona, two points behind, for the second qualification spot. 不来梅目前以7分暂居小组第二,他们就需要打败切尔西,才能在与仅仅落后2分的冠军巴萨争夺小组第二的出线名额时拥有最大的优势。
Brenda McClain, director of pediatric pain management services at Yale University. 耶鲁大学儿科疼痛处理部门的主任,布伦达.麦克刻林博士说。
Brenda has worked as a white slave since she was 18. 布伦达从她18岁起就一直被迫(或:被骗)做妓女。
Brendan Haywood had gone out with a bruised left thigh. 海伍德由于左腿插伤离场。
Brendle said he jokingly suggested to his family that it sell Henrietta in an Internet auction, but Ashley objected. 布伦德指出,他曾开玩笑地让家人将汉妮塔在英特网上拍卖,但是女儿艾什利拒绝了他的建议。

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