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We shall gladly join with you in the purchase of 100 bales of wool, to be shipped in moieties by two different vessels, to sail about a month apart.

We shall get our national heritage well protected. 我们必须注意保护自己的民族遗产。
We shall give a brief sketch of some of these developments, in roughly chronological order, and then show how they manifested themselves in the church and in society as a whole. 我们将对这些发展以时间的大致顺序作简单的描述,然后指出他们如何在教会和整个社会中凸显出来。
We shall give brief descriptions of both models next. 我们然后将提供两者模型的简短描述。
We shall give you a three-month's trial. 我们将试用你三个月。
We shall give you further details about plumbing and heating supplies in the next few days. 近日内我方将向你方提供有关供热管道系统的进一步细节。
We shall gladly join with you in the purchase of 100 bales of wool, to be shipped in moieties by two different vessels, to sail about a month apart. 我们很乐意协同贵公司采购100包羊毛,分两条船装运,中间相隔约一个月。
We shall go boating on the lake on Saturday. 我们星期六到湖上去划船。
We shall go from London to Washington via New York. 我们将从伦敦经过纽约到华盛顿。
We shall go provided that the weather is fine. 只要天晴, 我们就去。
We shall go there by air. 我们乘飞机去.
We shall go unless it rains. 除非下雨,否则我们是要去的。

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