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Mr. Qumi, who held a separate news conference, said, “Some problems have been raised and studied and I think this was a positive step.

Mr. Putin calls his talks with the Japanese leaders amicable, but says there are delicate matters , meaning the territorial dispute that need to be discussed more [thoroughly ]. 普京先生称他与日本领导人的对话是友好的,但表示事态复杂,意味着领土争端仍需继续深入探讨。
Mr. Putin's statements were some of the strongest yet by the Russian president on the U.S. plans to deploy an anti-missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. 普京说,一些国际组织的成员在任何情况下都拥有将自己的意志强加给所有人的信念,没有把自己的行为和通行的国际准则予以配合。
Mr. Putin's statements were some of the strongest yet by the Russian president on the U.S. plans to deploy an anti-missile defense system in Poland and the CzechRepublic. 该声明是普京针对美国在波兰和捷克部署反导弹系统的计划所发表的最严厉的声明之一。
Mr. Qiang Wei, Deputy Party Secretary of Beijing Municipality, inspected Beijing Health Essence. 北京市市委副书记强卫同志视察健之素。
Mr. Quiverful was an honest, painstaking, drudging man. 奎瓦富先生是一个诚实正派,刻苦耐劳的人。
Mr. Qumi, who held a separate news conference, said, “Some problems have been raised and studied and I think this was a positive step. 库米大使举行了一单独的记者招待会,说道,一些问题浮出水面,得以研究(讨论),我想,我们已经迈出了积极的一步。
Mr. Recruiter, Tear Down This ATS! 招聘专员们,拆掉你们的自动试验系统!
Mr. Reed has been selected to represent us on the committee. 里德先生代表我们已被选入委员会。
Mr. Richards worked in a shop which sold, cleaned and repaired hearing-aids. 里查德先生在一家商店工作,那家商店是专门销售、清洁和维修助听器的。
Mr. Robber told me he)wanted to go here. 强盗先生告诉了我他)想要去这里.
Mr. Robber, get out of)my way. 强盗先生,离开)我的方法.

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