Yeh, Hsiu-Chuan, “Essays on Industrial Organization and Information Economics”, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Florida, 2001. |
中文意思: 叶秀娟,“不对称情报下之共同基金绩效评估---台湾市场实证与模拟”,硕士论文,辅仁大学,民国八十二年六月。 |
Yeau-Ren Jeng and Hung-Jung Tsai , 2004, “Grain Flow for Rough Surfaces Considering Elastic/Inelastic Grain Collision,” Proceedings of ASME/STLE Joint International Tribology Conference, TRIB 2004-64296, Long Beach, California, USA. Oct.24-27.
蔡宏荣,2004,“含表面粗糙度之颗粒流体特性探讨,”第五届海峡两岸青年科学家学术研讨会,北京,中国。 |
Yech...it is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work.
(哎,外面天气那麽好,我却得守在办公室内处理这些文件。) |
Yech...it's a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work.
哎,外面天气那么好,我却得守在办公室处理这些文件。 |
Yedan, oxygen, nitrogen, acetylene gas, acetylene sales; Chemical products, metal Dianliao, plumbing materials, supplies wash sales.
液氮、氧气、氮气、氩气、乙炔的销售;化工产品、五金电料、水暖建材、洗涤用品的销售。 |
Yee, Amy. Companies &Finance The Americas: Union plans to vote again on American deal.Financial Times. New York.
公司化及财务化:美国交易的联盟计划〉《金融时报》.纽约. |
Yeh, Hsiu-Chuan, “Essays on Industrial Organization and Information Economics”, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Florida, 2001.
叶秀娟,“不对称情报下之共同基金绩效评估---台湾市场实证与模拟”,硕士论文,辅仁大学,民国八十二年六月。 |
Yeh, S.C., Wan, T.T.H., and Smith M. (2002) “Subacute Care in Nursing Homes” Journal of Nursing Administration. (forthcoming). 【SSCI】.
朱文洋、叶淑娟(2001)中小型医院经营策略与营运绩效之探讨–以平衡计分卡观点分析医务管理期刊、2卷2期,109-138页。 |
Yeh, one's happiness depends on himself or herself.
对,一个人的快乐取决于他或他自己。 |
Yeh, the sterotypical mao-suits is really getting old. Bring back the Hanfu, used for nearly 3000 years. Or have a hanfu + qipao exhibition.
“嗯﹐那些陈词滥调的毛泽东装(中山装)已经变得很过时了。带回汉服﹐用了近乎三千年﹐或有一个汉服+旗袍的展览。” |
Yeh,I do believe things form in the way you shape them,so watch out the behaviors are such important thing.
我相信很多事都是依照著你想朔造的方式形成,所以注意自己的行为举止是很重要的。 |
Yelds (Yields) on the 10 year US traisury (treasury) note jumped to their highest level in 5 years, before easing .
10年期的美国国库券跃升至5年来的最高价格。 |