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During the 2350s, the Hansens took the Raven on a field mission to locate and study a rumored race of cybernetic beings from beyond the Romulan Neutral Zone known to the peoples of the Beta Quadrant as the Borg.

During the 19th century, the theories of tidal and acoustic gravity oscillations were subjects of great interest. 在19世纪,潮汐振荡和声重力振荡的理论曾经是饶有兴趣的课题。
During the 2000 Summer Olympics, Australian swimmer Samantha Riley stood at the top of the Opera House waving the Olympic Torch. 2000年,在悉尼奥运会期间,澳大利亚游泳选手萨曼塔·赖利一动不动伫立在悉尼歌剧院的屋顶上,手中挥动着奥林匹克圣火。
During the 20th century, it became firmly established intheUnited States, marked by hollowed out pumpkin heads andchildrendressed as ghosts demanding Trick or Treat frompassers-by. 在整个20世纪,万圣节在美国逐步成为一个广受民众喜爱的节日,孩子们将南瓜掏空做成灯笼,并将自己装扮成鬼怪大玩“不请客就捣蛋”(向过路人索要糖果和糕点)的游戏。
During the 20th century, oil progressively took over from coal as the world's fuel of choice. 20世纪,石油逐渐取代煤炭,成了世界的首选燃料。
During the 23 minutes he was on the pitch he gave the ball away more often than not. 在场上的23分钟里他的盘带多次被对方拦截。
During the 2350s, the Hansens took the Raven on a field mission to locate and study a rumored race of cybernetic beings from beyond the Romulan Neutral Zone known to the peoples of the Beta Quadrant as the Borg. 在2350年代,汉森夫妇驾驶着渡鸦号执行了一次外派任务:寻找和研究罗慕伦中立区另一边的人们传闻的,来自第四象限的控制论种族——博格。
During the 2nd year observation, the incidence of side effect was only 1.2%. 在第2年的观察中,接种流感疫苗的副反应率为1.2%。
During the 50s and 60s, the U.S. was in bad with China. 在五○和六○年代美国与中国关系不佳。
During the 80s a perception managementprogram run by the CIA handled a disinformation operation aimed at deceiving the Soviets about U.S. technological research. 八十年代美国中情局进行的一项“观感管理计划”,经手一个散布假消息的行动,目标是欺骗苏联,使其对美国的科研认识不实。
During the ARMED condition if anyone attempts to open the doors or start the car the system will automatically alarm. 在系统处于报警状态时,如果有人试图打开车门或起动车辆,系统将自动报警。
During the Agrarian Revolution period, in the revolutionary bases of Xiang-Gan, West of Xiang E and Xiang-E-Chuan-Qian, red postal service was set up to deliver letters, documents, postal parcels, newspapers of Party and government offices, troops and the 摘要土地革命战争时期,湘赣、湘鄂西、湘鄂川黔等革命根据地普遍建立了赤色邮政,担负苏区党政军民的信件、文件、包裹和报刊的传递任务。

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