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Certainly, your attitude may contain some aspect of life, but just one aspect, and yet the mind intends to look upon one aspect as the whole, but when one aspect is looked upon as the whole, you will lose connection with life.

Certainly, to say that his poem has the most modernism tendency is in regard to the predominant tendency of all his poems, and it does not mean that he rejects Chinese classic poems and the realist tradition without exception. 当然,说他的诗最具现代主义倾向,这是就其整体主导的倾向而言,并不是说他一概排斥中国古典诗歌和现实主义的传统。
Certainly, urban population move, due question and due function which involved still must be discussed repeatedly until now, moreover due situation was complex. 当然,迁居涉及的问题和作用至今仍要反复探讨,而且情况复杂。
Certainly, you worried the enterprise reputation is insufficient, worried you lack experiences in different places, worried all are worth to worry. 自然,您也许担心自己企业的知名度不够,担心异地作战没有经验,担心一切值得担心的事由。
Certainly, you're absolutely right about it. 当然啦,关于那方面你是绝对对的。
Certainly, your attitude may contain some aspect of life, but just one aspect, and yet the mind intends to look upon one aspect as a whole, but when one aspect is looked upon as a whole, then you lose touch with life. 的确,你的态度可能涵盖了生命的某个方面,但这也仅仅是一个方面,头脑的倾向往往将将一个方面看成全部,当某一方面被看作全部时,你便失去了与生命的联系。
Certainly, your attitude may contain some aspect of life, but just one aspect, and yet the mind intends to look upon one aspect as the whole, but when one aspect is looked upon as the whole, you will lose connection with life. 的确,你的态度可能涵盖了生命的某个方面,但这也仅仅是一个方面,头脑的倾向往往将将一个方面看成全部,当某一方面被看作全部时,你便失去了与生命的联系。
Certainly,as long as you can ship the goods before Dec. 当然可以,只要你能在十二月之前装货。
Certainly,but you must open the L/C on time. 当然可以,不过你必须按时开证。
Certainly,if the conditions turn better. 如果情况好转,那当然可以。
Certainly,we can gain infinite advantage on the network,we can find the information we need,and we can find almost all information on the network.The interlinkage of network brings us the share of information,so we can find the study information,and see t 当然,上网给我们带来了极大的好处,我们可以在网上找到我们需要的信息,几乎所有的信息在网上多能找到,网络的互连带给我们信息的共享,我们可以在网上找到学习资料,看到最新的新闻等等;我们可以在网上购物,即便我们不出门,我们也可以买到我们需要的东西;而且现在网络也成为一种交流的方式,我们可以在网上和朋友聊天,联络感情;上网会给我们带来如此多的好处。
Certainly. Do you have any identification? 当然可以。你有任何证明文件吗?

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