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The police established his guilt beyond all doubt.

The police ejected the noisy group from the restaurant. 警察把那群吵闹的人逐出了饭店。
The police emphasize it is important to drive carefully. 警察强调了小心驾驶的重要性.
The police emphasize it's important to drive carefully. 警察强调了小心驾驶的重要性.
The police emphasize the importance of driving carefully. 警察强调了小心驾驶的重要性.
The police emphizes the importance of carefulness in driving. 警察强调了小心驾驶的重要性.
The police established his guilt beyond all doubt. 警方确凿地认定他有罪.
The police estimated the number of demonstrators at about2000. 警察估计示威游行的人数大约为2000人。
The police eventually ran him to earth in Paris. 警察穷追不舍,终於在巴黎找到了他。
The police examined every inch of the house for clues. 警方为寻找线索彻底检查了整所房子。
The police exercised great restraint by not responding to the insulting remarks of the protesters. 警察对示威者的辱骂采取克制态度而未作任何反应。
The police extracted some information from the thief. 警察从小偷口中问出了一些情况。

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