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I only hope serious injuries don't occur.

I only have one at a time. 我每次都只同时喜欢一个。
I only have one full time job. 我只有一个全职的工作。
I only have two employees. (我只有两个雇员。)
I only heard a monotonous voice of the singer. 我只听到那个歌唱家单调的声音。
I only heard the news at second hand. 我只是间接听到这个消息的。
I only hope serious injuries don't occur. 我只希望严重的伤病不再伤害火箭。
I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse. 我只希望人们不要忘记一件事,那就是一切都开始于一直老鼠。
I only hope this parting is a sign of your rapid extinction. 我只希望这次的分离是你瞬间毁灭的标记。
I only hope we don't lose sight of one thing, that it was all started by a mouse. 我只希望我们不要忘记一件事,那就是这一切都是由一只老鼠开始的。
I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him. 我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来。
I only just spoke with her. 我刚刚才和她说过话。

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