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Biological Activities Analysis of the Nematocyst Venom from Jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris
沙蜇(Stomolophus meleagris)刺丝囊毒素生物活性的初步分析

Dynamic changes of electrical remodeling in midmyocardium of rabbit left ventricle during the early stage of chronic pressure-overload 慢性压力超负荷早期兔左心室肌中层细胞电重构的动态变化
Preliminary Study on Reconstructing Rat Intestine with Intestinal Epithelial Organoid Units Isolated by Modified Method 改良法分离大鼠IOUs构建小肠的初步研究
The Wintering Habitat of Wolverings(Gulo gulo) in Great Khingan Mountains 大兴安岭地区貂熊冬季生境研究
Separation process of Spirulina pigment-protein complex 螺旋藻色素蛋白复合物的分离工艺
Biological Activities Analysis of the Nematocyst Venom from Jellyfish Stomolophus meleagris 沙蜇(Stomolophus meleagris)刺丝囊毒素生物活性的初步分析
The Preliminary Report of Unknown Gathered Water Living Organisms Discovered for the First Time in Jiangxi Province 江西省首次发现不明水生生物聚集体的初步研究报告
The Changes of marA,soxS and robA Gene Expression Levels in Three Kinds of Antimicrobial Agents Induced Resistant Mutants in vitro 3种抗菌药物诱导改变marA、soxS和robA基因mRNA表达水平
Screening Interacted Protein by Yeast Two-Hybrid Sequencing Transformation 顺序转化法进行酵母双杂交筛选相互作用蛋白质
The Brief Introduction of Correlative Experimental Study in Heredity for Chinese Deer 中国鹿类动物遗传相关试验分析研究简述
Determination of Trace Deoxyribonucleic Acid by using Fluorescein Isothiocyanate-phenosafranine as a Double-luminescent Phosphorescence Probe 异硫氰酸荧光素-酚藏花红双发光磷光探针测定DNA

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