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Railway departments use dynamical and static detection methods to detect the track condition so as to ensure trains run on it safely.

Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。
Railroad: Juye is close to the west of the Tianjin-Shanghai railway line and east of Beijing-Kowlon railway line, with Xinxiang-Shijiu railway line passing through,which has been authorized to be multiple electricity transformation by Shandong Province. 铁路:东临津沪铁路,西临京九铁路,已被山东省批准进行电气化改造的复线“新石铁路”穿境而过。
Railroads brought ever more travelers and settlers to Colorado, where many stayed because of the richness of the state's agricultural production and its physical beauty. 铁路的兴建把更多旅行者与开垦者带入科罗拉多州,许多人就因为当地丰富的农产品与美丽的自然景观,而决定在当地定居。
Railroads offer low-cost rates for hauling heavy, bulky goods in large quantity. (铁路提供低成本运费,拖动大量笨重的大宗货物。)
Railroads,bus lines, gas and electric companies are public utilities. 铁路、公共汽车、煤气和 电力公司都是公用事业.
Railway departments use dynamical and static detection methods to detect the track condition so as to ensure trains run on it safely. 摘要为了保证列车在轨道上安全运行,铁路部门采用动态检测和静态检测两种方式对铁路轨道进行检查。
Railway jacking bridge engineering passing through sand pebble (gravel) layer, because it is a complex loose coarse fragment accumulation layer, the roadbed must be reinforced. 摘要铁路顶桥工程中遇到砂卵(砾)石层时,因砂卵(砾)石层是一种复杂松散粗碎屑堆积层,因此必须对铁路路基进行加固。
Railway private sidings refer to the branch railway lines which are administered by enterprises or other units and are connected to a State railway line or any other railway line. 铁路专用线是指由企业或者其他单位管理的与国家铁路或者其他铁路线路接轨的岔线。
Railway service is now being improved in many parts of the world to meet competition from road and air transport. 在世界的许多地区,铁路服务正取得进步,以适应来自公路和空中运输的竞争。
Railway signal equipment manufacture, marketing. 铁路信号器材制造、销售。
Railway sleepers(for its hardness,flexbiity and durability),kegs especially for liquor(for its impermeability,hardness and durability).Poles,posts,furniture,sliced veneer,interior panels,flooring,railway coaches,cabinets,ships,agricultural instruments,han 铁道枕木(用其硬度﹐弹性及耐朽性)、橡木桶、电线杆、平切单板、室内装黄材、橱柜、造船木、农用器具、器具柄、棺木、缝衣机桌板。

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