A few months ahead of time, start dropping hints. |
中文意思: 提前几个月要开始不断透露些暗示。 |
A few minutes later, she found herself, cool and dry, inside Deputy Callaway's SUV and headed to safety.
一会儿后,她坐在卡勒维副队长的SUV苏瓦牌小车里,凉快又干燥,前往安全地点。 |
A few minutes passed and sure enough, the blonde came out of her house again, checked her mail box, stamped her foot and went back inside.
几分钟过去了,金发美女又走出了房门,检查邮箱,跺跺脚又回去。 |
A few month can mean life or [all] death.
几个月就意味着生死问题。 |
A few months ago, Teacher Jian, at the Tzih-Huai Student Garden in Lo-Tong, showed me photographs of an archaeological dig near Chiao-Hsi that he had taken the students to see after their nature teacher invited him to do so.
几个月之前,位于罗东的慈怀学园中途学校的简老师,让我看一些自然体验课老师邀请他带著学生去看礁溪淇武兰遗址考古的照片。 |
A few months ago, she put a six-bedroom waterfront property in Key Biscayne, Fla., on the market for $9 million.
今年,她花了450万美元在远离好莱坞“日落大道”的地方买下一所一居室公寓,还计划把佛罗里达州的一处六居室水景住宅以900万美元价格出售。 |
A few months ahead of time, start dropping hints.
提前几个月要开始不断透露些暗示。 |
A few months can mean life or death.
几个月就可以决定生死。 |
A few months later my younger brother enlist as a bugler.
几个月以後,我弟弟作为号兵应徵入伍。 |
A few months later, the Senate acquitted Johnson of the impeachment charges by just one vote.
几个月之后,参议院以一票之差宣布强森无罪。 |
A few more days, and the company will be on the verge of bankruptcy.
再过几天,这家公司就将濒临破产的边缘。 |
A few more steps; a few more metros.
我犹豫地一步步往里走。 |