Far-lnfrared magnetic wave can deeply massage your feet, promote blood circulation and alleviate pressure on feet.
纳米远红外线磁波能量具深层按摩的效果,能促进血液循环,产生脚部微温舒适的感觉,更能舒缓脚部的肌肉压力和僵硬感。 |
Far-reaching road to the distance,rose to love!I want to give all of my love to you,my darling.
长路奉献给远方,玫瑰奉献给爱情!我的爱人,我只想把一切奉献给你。 |
Faraday cages are far more common entities than you might realize.
法拉第笼是较为常见的事物,远远比你所知的要多。 |
Faraday's theory has better empirical unity compared with Franklin's theory.
与富兰克林的电流质说相比,法拉第的电磁学理论具有更大的经验统一性。 |
Faraone G., Parascco G. and Cogrossi C., J. Appl. Polymer Sci., 5, 16 (1961) .
周杏茂、余仲元、刘克静,中国科学院高分子学术会议会刊(1961),科学出版社,390页,1963。 |
Faraway mountains can't cover the after grow just as I can't hide my dear missing for you.
远山藏不住夕阳的光辉,如同我掩不住对你的无限思念深情. |
Faraway or nearby,he wants to guard her smile-Stealthily,secretly,deeply and all the time.
他不管和她是远是近,他都想守护着她的笑容——偷偷地,暗暗地,深深地,一直一直地。 |
Farber, the FCC's former chief technologist.
不过他还是必须证明他的理念。 |
Fareed Zakaria, a columnist and author of a book on the development of democracy, suggested that some countries — Singapore, Peru and Russia, for example — went through a stage of illiberal democracy,where there was robust economic growth but few politica
专栏作家札卡里亚也曾著书谈民主发展,他指出,像新加坡、秘鲁、和俄罗斯等国曾走过「不自由民主」的阶段,也就是经济强劲成长,但政治自由,包括新闻自由、法治及个人自由乏善可陈,直到自由的习惯和制度有机会发展。 |
Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.
运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之间的运输费用。 |
Fares start off very low and increase as the plane fills up.
票价起步很低,并随着飞机的上座率而涨浮。 |