Spare him, I beseech you.
我恳求你饶了他吧. |
Spare no effort to carry out the Party's educational policies, enforce quality-oriented education and be geared to the needs of the whole students for the sake of infusing fresh blood to institutions of higher learning in large numbers and cultivating the
全面贯彻党的教育方针,全面实施素质教育,面向全体学生,为高一级学校输送大批合格新生,为当地经济建设和社会发展培养更多的综合素质较高的合格劳动者。 |
Spare no efforts to promote the 100 million ton oil refining project and speed up the development of downstream petrochemical products and transformation of new technologies so as to initially set up Sichuan's petrochemical industrial base.
全力推进1000万吨炼油项目的工作,加快石化下游产品及新技术的开发和转化,初步建成四川石化产业基地。 |
Spare parts localization and make safety stock.
备品备件的本地化,制定安全库存。 |
Spare parts planning and inventory control.
备件计划和库存控制。 |
Spare the rod , and spoil the child.
不教不成材。 |
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
st. 不打不成器. |
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
省了棍子,惯坏了孩子。 |
Spare time is gold dust of life.
业余时间是生命的金砂。 |
SpareDescription: Based on infiltration capacity curve, the paper demonstrates the amelioration of soil infiltration capability under the soil and water conservation measures from theoretical and experimental analysis.
描述:从土壤水分下渗能力曲线出发,从理论和实验分析两方面说明水土保持措施下土壤入渗性能的改良作用。 |
SpareDescription: Based on the author′s research and information from the USA and Japan, the development trend of flood control and disaster mitigation in economically developed countries is introduced, including the follow aspects: flood risk management,
描述:根据美、日等国最新文件和资料,结合作者多年的研究,简明地介绍经济发达国家在防洪减灾方面的最新发展趋势.内容涉及洪水灾害风险管理、泛滥原管理、防洪标准、城市雨洪调蓄、堤防建设技术、公众参与、洪水保险、蓄滞洪区管理、防洪投入、防洪减灾科学研究、法规建设等诸多内容. |