Babe:I called arnold,but no one seems to answer the phone.
我打电话给阿诺,但没有人接电话。 |
BabeMachine masterly combines game and erotic elements into a thrilling experience.
够幸运的话,你还可以得到正确的合拼块,并得到金钱。 |
Babel and the Great Wall can be regarded as two versions of globalization narration, who eroded each other's territory and try to build a world without conflict.
巴别塔和长城可以作为全球化叙事的两个版本,它们互相侵蚀彼此的地盘,试图营造出一个不再矛盾重重的世界。 |
Babel wants to solve the problems of communication between human beings; The Great wall is the effort made by a small sub-world who had solved communication problems within its territory, to resist the attempt of communication by another small sub-world.
巴别塔的世界试图解决人与人之间的沟通问题;而长城的世界则是一个解决了沟通问题的小世界去对抗另外一个意欲同其沟通的世界。 |
Babel, which opened in China last week, draw inspiration from a biblical story where people are punished by God for trying to build a tower to heaven.
上周在中国上映的电影《通天塔》是从一则圣经故事中汲取到的灵感,这则圣经故事讲的是凡人因试图建造一座通向天堂的高塔而受到上帝的惩罚。 |
Babes in the Wood is Mary Black's finest, most consistently pleasing album.
《丛林里的婴儿》是玛丽.布莱克最好的专辑,时光流转,魅力不减。 |
Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora.
婴儿在经过产道并充分“摄取”富含细菌基因的母体阴道分泌物和粪便菌落之后,细菌便开始进入胃肠道。 |
Babies and very old people totter as they walk.
小孩与老年人走路蹒跚。 |
Babies are attracted to bright colours.
婴儿喜欢鲜艳的颜色. |
Babies are often fascinated by music games, recognition of color and picture, as well as the emotional tone of teachers.
“不同质地的圆环”、“西蒙在镜子里说”、这些游戏让宝宝体验因果关系、提高协调能力、平衡能力和自省智能。 |
Babies are often very fussy when they are going through growth spurts.
当宝宝经历快速成长期时也常常哭闹地比较多。 |