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For safety, you shouldn't put the soldering turret under your armpit while taking the welding workpieces or putting the welding cable around your neck when the soldering turret and welding cable are live.

For rotary axes can be made less expensive, easier and more compact than a linear guide at the same precision level, a rotary arm that carries a diamond tool combined with a fast tool servo are used to replace the straight lines. 由于旋转抽与同等精度的直线导轨相比,具有制造难度小、成本低及结构紧凑等优点,所以采用具有快速伺服机构的金刚石刀架摆臂代替直线导轨进给运动方式。
For royal watchers, Elizabeth's breaking her strict rule on no boyfriends or girlfriends at the Christmas table can mean only one thing: A royal wedding is in the cards. 据王室观察者分析,伊丽莎白女王此次破例邀请尚未与王室结成婚姻关系的人共享圣诞午宴只有一种解释:威廉王子和凯特的婚期在即。
For rural governments, the obligation to provide schooling for all has meant devoting the lion's share of their budgets to the task. 对于农村地区政府,绝大部分财政收入被用于义务教育。
For safety's sake, certain areas as are confirmed by SIC beforehand are off-limits to children. 出于安全原因的考虑,儿童将不能进入某些特定区域,这些区域将由上海国际赛车场有限公司事先确认。
For safety, locked the door and chained up it. 为安全起见,在门锁上的同时用链条系上。
For safety, you shouldn't put the soldering turret under your armpit while taking the welding workpieces or putting the welding cable around your neck when the soldering turret and welding cable are live. 在带电情况下,为了安全,焊钳不得夹在腋下去拿被焊工件或将焊接电缆挂在脖颈上。
For sale, shop premises with frontages on two streets. 出售商业用房, 前有空地两面临街.
For sale: an antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers. 出售:古董桌子,适用于有粗腿和大抽屉的女士。
For sale: small motor scooter. Enquire within. 待售:小型摩托车,请进内询问。
For salvation of shielded technology; we should be back to thing itself by the way of thinking and phenomenology. 惟有以现象学的方法通过思的道路回到事物自身,才能拯救被遮蔽的技术。
For same matter really, we indict genuine personal rush people residence case court in mutual criminal a person under age is from, not divide case underground trial. 而就同一事实,我们起诉的真正的私闯民宅案子法院以共同罪犯中有一未成年人为由,不分案不公开审理。

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