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This makes it clear that one of the two stars will have to move on in January and the odds-on favourite is veteran Peruzzi.

This makes constructing an image possible. 这就为构筑一幅图像提供了可能。
This makes for simple maintenance and ease of use. 这就使得可以简单地进行管理,且易于使用。
This makes hedge fund activism vital: without it, the biggest companies are less likely to focus on investors' interests than their smaller counterparts. 这使对冲基金的活跃行为至关重要:没有这种活跃,大企业不太可能像较小的竞争对手那样关注投资者的利益。
This makes him feel unloved and unappreciated. 这使他觉得自己没有被爱、被感激。
This makes it a discriminatory law and unacceptable under the Commerce Clause. 这使它成为一项歧视性的法律和不可接受根据商务条款.
This makes it clear that one of the two stars will have to move on in January and the odds-on favourite is veteran Peruzzi. 这就是说这两名球星之一将在一月份离开,有经验的佩鲁济更有可能离开。
This makes it easier for utilities to dig trenches – granite is unyielding stuff. 这样使挖沟更容易-花岗岩很坚硬。
This makes it easier to discover the error. 这使得我们更容易发现存在的错误信息。
This makes it easy to change resolution, color depth, key bindings, sound support options, or even the game that gets loaded. 这样就可以很容易地改变分辨率、颜色位深、键设置、声音支持选项等等,甚至是在游戏已经加载了以后。
This makes it easy to support repeatedly merging from a branch without generating conflicts (something CVS never aspired to do) by looking to see what changesets have already been applied and skipping those. 这让它容易支持从分支重复合并而不会产生冲突,通过查看什么变更集已经应用并跳过这些。
This makes it easy to tweak the AI opponents throughout the development and testing process. 这使得在整个开发和测试过程中调整AI对手(的属性)变得容易。

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