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In short, this is a lifelong business you can surely rely on!

In short, the skylight stimulates the red and green cones almost equally, while stimulating the blue cones more strongly. 总之,天空的光线刺激红色锥体和绿色锥体的强度几乎相等,而刺激蓝色锥体的强度最大。
In short, there is no out there. 总而言之,没有在外面的。
In short, these programs build character. 简单来说,这些计画可以建立人格。
In short, they are very, very Zen. 简单讲,速读很有禅味。
In short, they breed to improve. 简言之,他们是在改良犬种。
In short, this is a lifelong business you can surely rely on! 这一切都让我们觉得安利是一门可以长远发展的终生事业。
In short, this study verified that the AGN-starburst connection is not merely anecdotal. 简言之,这项研究证实了AGN和恒星暴增之间的关联并非只是个遐想。
In short, thrift makes poor men rich and extravagance makes rich men poor. 总而言之,节俭使穷人变富,奢侈使富人变穷。
In short, to write you must write. Practice makes perfect. 总之,要会写就必须写,熟能生巧。
In short, we fall for and pursue those people who most clearly fit our lovemap. 总之,我们爱恋和追求的人是最符合我们的爱图的那些人。
In short, we should not stop halfway. 简言之,我们不能半途而废。

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