Out with it, Jo! I won't be kept in the dark.
说出来吧,乔!我是不愿意被蒙在鼓里的。 |
Out with stereotypes, feminism proclaims. But stereotypes are the west's stunning sexual personae, the vehicles of art's assault against nature. The moment there is imagination, there is myth.
「抗议男女有别的刻板划分!」女性主义者大声疾呼。但是这种刻板划分是西方令人惊骇的性的假面,藉著艺术的工具对人性大肆攻击。人一有了想像力,就会发明神话。 |
Out work: Operations put out to another company for reasons of specialism or capacity.
外发加工:因工作量或专门性的关系,把一些工序交由另一公司进行的情况。 |
Out, too, went the 11th-floor, wood-panelled executive offices in the Cincinnati headquarters, replaced by open-plan meeting and training areas.
辛辛那提市公司总部11楼几个全木装修的高管办公室也消失了,一些开放式会议和培训区域取代了它们。 |
Out-of-Factory Marking: Product name, trademark, standard code, shop sign, batch number, net weight, manufacturer, address and out-of -factory date.
产品出厂标志:包括产品名称、商标、标准代号、牌号、批号、净重、生产厂名称及地址、出厂日期等。 |
Outage Notice: The project will be down for general maintenance starting today at 3pm PST for 1-2 hours.
停机通告:太平洋时间今天下午三点开始进行例行的停机维护,大约持续1到2个小时。 |
Outage Notice: The project will be down starting today at 3pm PST for maintenance. The server should be back online later in the evening.
停机通告:太平洋时间今天下午三点开始停机,应该晚上就会恢复正常。 |
Outage Notice: We are now in the middle of a day-long outage to reconfigure our upload/download file systems.
停机通告:我们将停机一天以重新配置上传/下载文件系统。 |
Outage Notice: We are still in the middle of an outage to reconfigure our upload/download file systems - the copying of data is taking longer than expected.
停机通告:我们仍在重新配置上传/下载文件系统,数据复制花费了比我们预想的更多的时间。 |
Outage update: Though we moved a bulk of the data onto the new science database server over the weekend, there is still plenty to do before we can start using this new server.
虽然我们在周末已经将相当多的数据都迁移到了新数据库服务器中上,但在开始使用这个新服务器之前仍有许多工作要做。 |
Outage: A backbone switch failed... see Technical News.
由于主力交换机出问题而停机,详情请看技术新闻。 |