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The man saved the child from drowning.

The man said no, but Porter wouldn't listen. 那人说不行,可波特不予理会。
The man said that he would work hard henceforth . 那人说从今以后他要努力工作了。
The man said that he would work hard henceforth. 那人说从今以后他要努力工作了。
The man said, Oh, when I die, yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now. 男人说:“噢,死后啊,想啊。我还以为您要组一队人,现在就去。”
The man said, Who made you ruler and judge over us? 14那人说、谁立你作我们的首领和审判官呢、难道你要杀我、像杀那埃及人麽。
The man saved the child from drowning. 那个人救了那个孩子使他免于溺水而死。
The man secretly collgued with his coworker on the trip. 这名男子在旅游时,秘密地与他的同事过从甚密。
The man seemed to be ill. 这个人好像病了。
The man seemed to be in animal spirits and joked incessantly. 这个人似乎精神很好,他不停地说着笑话。
The man sent a wire back saying, Sell crabs, send the money; reset bait. 男人回电报说:“卖掉螃蟹,收入汇过来;诱饵扔回海里。”
The man shook his fist angrily. 他愤怒地挥动着拳头。

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