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You started doing this history report before breakfast,Let it go at that.

You start the game with the side that has the trait icons on it face up. 你开始游戏的时候,有属性的一面朝上。
You start the histroy report before the breakfast, let's call it a day. 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。
You start with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck. 开始时你有两个袋,运气袋装得满满的,经验袋是空空的。关键就在于,在运气袋变空之前,请把经验袋装得满满的!
You start with one which means you can immediately make a fire pit and put your Warrior priest on it. 一开始可以立刻盖营火和投入您的第一位战争牧师。
You start your historical report before breakfast, let's call it a day, ok? 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。
You started doing this history report before breakfast,Let it go at that. 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。
You started the history report before breakfast,let's call it a day . 你从早餐之前就开始做这份历史报告,不如就到此为止吧。
You startled me I didn't hear you come in. 你吓了我一跳--我没听见你进来.
You starve yourself before going to all you can eat places. 你去吃自助餐前会把自己饿个半死.
You stated before kick off that anything less than a win in Bochum would dramatically increase the pressure on the home game against Dortmund. 开赛前你曾说过任何事都比不上在波鸿取得一场胜利更能神奇地提升队员们对即将迎来的对阵对特蒙德的主场比赛的紧迫感。
You stay in car and drive away. 你就呆在车里,然后把车开走。

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