In Haikou People's Park,there is crected the Monument to Revolutionary Martyrs,together with the Statue of General Feng Baiju and the General Feng's Memorial Pavilion.People go there to cherish the memory of our revolutionary martyrs and learn their revol |
中文意思: 在海口市人民公园,耸立着革命烈士纪念碑,它和冯白驹将军雕像,冯白驹纪念亭连成一片,是人民群众缅怀革命先辈,学习革命传统的好地方。 |
In Guroo, you play the role of HuangZhong, a hero from a famous saga in China who is good at shooting.
主角要射击的目标不是敌兵或者将领,而是不断从天空中掉落的泡泡。 |
In Gyeonggi Province, restaurants in Hwaseong, Anyang, Suwon and Yongin were heavily dependent on the imported kimchi.
在京畿道的华城市、安养市、水原市和龙仁市,餐馆在很大程度上依赖进口泡菜。 |
In H1 of the Spring Semester we will discuss your experiences and talk in more detail with some of the companies.
在春季学期上半段,我们会讨论你的实习经验,并针对其中一些公司做更详细的讨论。 |
In HST beneath the boundary have good interconnecting sand body, poor lateral sealing, and no oil shows; in LST and TST above it have delta distributary channel sand reservoir with serious heterogeneity and good lateral sealing, being oil layer.
界面之下的高水位体系域砂体连通性好、侧向封堵不好、不含油,层序界面之上的低水位体系域及水进体系域三角洲分流河道砂体储集层非均质性强、侧向封堵条件好、含油。 |
In HTML, images are defined with the tag.
在HTML,用标签定义图象。 |
In Haikou People's Park,there is crected the Monument to Revolutionary Martyrs,together with the Statue of General Feng Baiju and the General Feng's Memorial Pavilion.People go there to cherish the memory of our revolutionary martyrs and learn their revol
在海口市人民公园,耸立着革命烈士纪念碑,它和冯白驹将军雕像,冯白驹纪念亭连成一片,是人民群众缅怀革命先辈,学习革命传统的好地方。 |
In Hainan, in order to improve comprehensive ecological and economic benefits, forestry should be firstly developed (except timber industry), then farm planting industry be actively strengthen and stockbreeding and timber industry be restricted.
为提高生态经济综合效益,应优先发展林业(除木材业外),积极发展农产品种植业,限制发展畜牧业和木材业。 |
In Hamamet, he wrote into his diary: the reeds and the bushes make a nice rhythm of blotches.
他曾在日记中写道:“芦苇和灌木形成美妙的韵律。 |
In Han Dynasty, Jichuimpacted music and dance importantly, no matter for itself or as a branch of Chu area culture.
魏晋以后,《激楚》在文人中获得认同,被视为汉人刚健慷慨文化精神的象征。 |
In Hanoi, the capital, food was rationed in the gloomy pre-reform era, and even senior officials wore threadbare clothes. “Boat people” were washing up on foreign shores.
改革前的日子不堪回首,首都河内实行粮食限量供应,就连高级官员也都衣衫褴褛,“船民”们纷纷到国外逃难。 |
In Harbin Institute of Technology, it didn't make an exception either.
在哈工大的校园里,也不例外。 |