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But the capsule's parachutes failed to open, and the spacecraft tumbled out of control and struck the ground at 193 miles per hour six minutes after entering Earth's atmosphere.

But the camera keeps flashing onto the ship's speedometer. 但摄影镜头持续地闪现船只速度表的画面。
But the campaign says 13 might not meet that goal. Including ?, ?, ?, Mozambique and Thiland. 但是该组织声称,有十三个国家仍没达到这个目标,其中包括?,?,?,莫桑比克和泰国。
But the campaign says thirteen might not meet that goal, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Mozambique and Thailand. 但该运动组织称13各国家还未达到要求,其中包含波斯尼亚,黑塞哥维那,柬埔寨,莫桑比克以及泰国。
But the capital accumulation funds shall not be used for making up the company's losses. 但是,资本公积金不得用于弥补公司的亏损。
But the capital, overseas supplier should remit it to parent company, and then remit to inland purchaser. 资金流就要先让国外供货商先打钱给你们国外的母公司,然后再让母公司打钱给国内采购商。
But the capsule's parachutes failed to open, and the spacecraft tumbled out of control and struck the ground at 193 miles per hour six minutes after entering Earth's atmosphere. 但是由于返回舱的降落伞未能打开,返回舱失去控制,在空中翻转。在进入地球大气层6分钟后,以每小时193英里的速度一头栽到沙漠中。
But the captain of the bodyguard left some of the poorest of the land to be vinedressers and field workers. 12但护卫长留下那地一些最穷的人,使他们修理葡萄园,耕种田地。
But the cavalry officer melted imperceptibly out of her existence. 可是这位骑兵军官毫无察觉地消融在她的生存范围之外了。
But the central government has refused to release the report and has not yet called any hearings. 但是中央政府拒绝发布该报告,也没有进行任何的听证。
But the centurion said, Lord, I am not worthy for You to come under my roof, but just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 太8:8百夫长回答说、主阿、你到我舍下、我不敢当.只要你说一句话、我的仆人就必好了。
But the challenge was too intriguing to decline. 但这个挑战实在太迷人,令人难以拒绝。

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