The class format is a hands onapproach, with a good portion of class time spent in a theatre.
本课程的教学形式是一种「实作性」的教授方法,相当一部分课时会用在剧院里。 |
The class girl`s average age is thirteen.
这个班女生的平均年龄是13岁. |
The class girl′average age is thirteen.
这个班女生的平均年龄是13岁. |
The class got up when the teacher came in.
老师进来时全班起立. |
The class has dropped below ten students this year.
今年这个班的学生降到了10人以下。 |
The class has elected its head.
班里已经选出班长. |
The class has made noticeable improvement.
这个班级有显著的进步。 |
The class involves a series of exercises focusing on stretching and balance.
这种瑜伽课涉及一系列拉伸肌体和保持身体平衡的动作。 |
The class is abstract with a static factory function that returns an instance of a concrete derived class.
阶级是抽象的同一个静态工厂函数返回的是一个具体的派生类. |
The class is conducted in Spanish as much as possible, but English is used where necessary for clarity and efficiency.
课堂授课会尽可能使用西班牙语,但为了授课更清楚和有效,必要时也会使用英语。 |
The class is divided in opinion.
整个班级意见有分歧。 |