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Just after starting to breathe in through your mouth press down on the top of the inhaler to release Seretide while still breathing in steadily and deeply.

Just about the time mother got to the part in the eulogy about Daddy's sense of humor and I started to cry, from nowhere came a cloud which dumped buckets of rain on us. 当母亲读到悼文中追忆父亲风趣幽默的部分时,我开始哭起来,天上也不知从哪里飘来一团乌云,下起了倾盆大雨,我奋力地划着船,只一会儿,全身就都湿透了,我说道:“我得赶快离开这里。
Just across from our house there's a school. 就在我们房子的对面有一所学校.
Just add a soupcon of curry powder. 只加少量的咖哩粉。
Just admit that you are a layman. 老老实实承认自己是外行吧。
Just after starting to breathe in through your mouth press down on the top of the inhaler to release Fluticasone Propionate while still breathing in steadily and deeply. 经口吸气之同时,将吸入气的上方往下压以释出辅舒酮,此时仍保持稳定且深的呼气动作。
Just after starting to breathe in through your mouth press down on the top of the inhaler to release Seretide while still breathing in steadily and deeply. 经口吸气之同时,将吸入气的上方往下压以释出使肺泰,此时仍保持稳定且深的呼气动作。
Just after starting to breathe in through your mouth press down on the top of the inhaler to release Serevent while still breathing in steadily and deeply. 经口吸气之同时,将吸入气的上方往下压以释出使立稳,此时仍保持稳定且深的呼气动作。
Just after starting to breathe in through your mouth press down on the top of the inhaler to release Ventolin while still breathing in steadily and deeply. 经口吸气之同时,将吸入气的上方往下压以释出泛得林,此时仍保持稳定且深的呼气动作。
Just after you found a great Spot to snipe from, while taking careful Aim at a Group of Enemies - you will be knifed from behind. 就在你找到一个捧极的狙击点而瞄好目标的时候,你的屁股就被小刀插住!
Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure. 离我们不远处,出现一个大裂缝。
Just aim the camera and press here. 只要拿准相机然后按这里就好了。

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