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In this case, natural selection can exaggerate some of the differences between groups, making them appear more dissimilar on the surface than they are underneath.

In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
In this case, lymphoma involving the lymphatics of the chest and abdomen led to the collection of chylous fluid. 该淋巴瘤病人病变累及胸部和腹部淋巴管引起乳糜液聚集。
In this case, management should map out their training plan, and help them to make their individual career development plan links with enterprise's vision. 在此情况下,管理者应制定出培养计划,并帮助其做出与企业远景相匹配的职业生涯规划。
In this case, managers should map out their training plan, and help them to make their individual career development plan links with enterprise's vision. 在此情况下,管理者应制定出培养计划,并帮助其做出与企业远景相匹配的职业生涯规划。
In this case, manual cleaning using a wire brush or scraper is not efficient. 而通过用钢丝刷、刮刀手动除去这些杂质的效果并不理想。
In this case, natural selection can exaggerate some of the differences between groups, making them appear more dissimilar on the surface than they are underneath. 这麽一来,天择会将人群间的某些差异放大,使他们表面上的差异比皮肤底下的差异还要显著。
In this case, necrosis and inflammation are prominent, and there is some steatosis as well. 该患者的坏死和炎症显著,伴一定程度的脂肪变性。
In this case, no local recurrence was found in two years after tumor removal and adjuvant radiotherapy, but metastases to right scapula and left femur shaft were found afterward. 此病例中,腰椎术后及放射线照射两年后,没有局部再发生成,却转移到右肩胛骨及左股骨干。
In this case, operation is indicated. 这一病例必须手术治疗.
In this case, recharge the batteries or use the DC coupler. 在这种情况下,重新给电池充电或使用电源适配器。
In this case, steady precipitation may extend over a l0ng distance ahead of the front. 在这种情形下,稳定性降水可在锋前向前延伸很长一段距离。

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