Because of his casual, happy-go-lucky nature he made friends easily, and drug pushers supplied him everything he desired for nothing. |
中文意思: 因为他的漫不经心、随遇而安的天性他很容易交到朋友,毒品贩子提供他任何想要的东西。 |
Because of high desulfurization rate and steady operation, the system has broad application prospect in metallurgical, petrochemical and electrical power industries.
系统硫脱除率高、运行稳定,在冶金、石化和电力行业均有广阔的应用前景。 |
Because of higher social pressure,
由于社会压力越来越大, |
Because of his achievement on art, his resume was collected in Chinese Music Thesaurus.
由于他的艺术成就,他的个人简历被收录在《中国音乐辞典》中。 |
Because of his anti-urban feelings Kenworthy Piker is known as the leading ruralist of his time.
因为他的反城市情绪,肯渥希.皮克在他的时代以引导田园著称。 |
Because of his asthma,he would be better off in a different climate.
由于他的哮喘病,他在另一种气候下生活会觉得比较好些。 |
Because of his casual, happy-go-lucky nature he made friends easily, and drug pushers supplied him everything he desired for nothing.
因为他的漫不经心、随遇而安的天性他很容易交到朋友,毒品贩子提供他任何想要的东西。 |
Because of his dishonesty, he has tripped himself up.
他因为不诚实,而陷入困境. |
Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn.
由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。 |
Because of his encouragement, she won the best designer by her reformed cheongsam.
(因为他的鼓励,她以她的改良式旗袍赢得了最佳设计师奖。) |
Because of his familiarity with the local geography, Ares was hired by Baron Apros to capture his runaway bride, Rauny Winzalf, dead or alive.
由于他对当地地理环境颇为熟悉,被亚普罗斯雇佣来寻捕他出逃的未婚妻,劳妮·温沙尔夫,无论死活。 |
Because of his fogy ideas, Old Tom brought the house about his ears.
由于他的顽固观念,汤姆惹得全家与他为敌。 |