From these results the team speculated that a fly with no sense of smell might also live longer, as it isn't receiving odour cues about nutrients in the environment.
从以上结果,这一研究小组推测,失去了嗅觉的果蝇可能会活得更长,因为他们不能通过气味接受到环境营养状况的信息。 |
From these simple claims follow bizarre consequence that challenge common sense and our perception of reality.
由这简单的结论得出一些奇怪的推论,它们挑战了我们对现实的日常感知。 |
From these, we can tell that the silk quilts are very valuable.
从这些,我们能看出丝绸被子是非常宝贵的。 |
From thinking, concept to vision, creative concept drives evolution. We gather the latest concepts from the world and delve into its progression from inception and inspirational spirit.
从思想到观念以至理念,创意理念正是时代进步的功能,我们将于全球各地搜罗最新创意理念,探索其来龙去脉和启发精神。 |
From this and seeing the desire for better golf in China, I relocated permanently to Shanghai in 2004.
为了看到中国能有更好的高尔夫,我于2004年决定定居于上海。 |
From this angle, the symbolic image in the Cat and Mouse is discussed in detail so as to inquire about the author's deepest wisdom and the thought with this, and to dig the German spiritual source.
以此为解码口,详细论述《猫与鼠》中赋启蒙精神的象征意象,以此探寻作者最深邃、最睿智的思想深处,开掘德意志民族的精神本源。 |
From this are do come admirable adaptations whereof ye means (Or process) is here in this.
按照这个方法(或过程),从完美之物中产生了许多非凡的变化。 |
From this aspect, beginning with the concept of market segmentation and the definition of mass client distribution channel, we discuss the meaning of constructing mass client distribution channel, elaborate the state and existing problems of mass client d
基于此,从市场细分的概念及公众客户定义的分析入手,论述了公众客户营销渠道建设的意义,阐释了公众客户营销渠道的现状和存在的问题,并提出了相应的策略。 |
From this came their reckoning of time, and a calendar that accurately measures the solar year to within minutes.
他们从这里发展出对时间的计算,一部历法能够精确地量度太阳年到一分钟误差之内。 |
From this case we can see the practical characteristics of his diplomatic policy: He tried his best to preserve China's sovereignty, but at the same time he had to succumb to the international overpowering force because he had no other alternative.
这生动地反映了李鸿章既力图维护国家主权又无可奈何屈从国际强权的实用主义外交方针的特点。 |
From this case, we demostrated that cystoid macular edema is one of the potential complications of the diode laser and should be managed cautiously.
因非接触式二极体雷射经巩膜睫状体光凝固术引发之黄斑部囊状水肿十分罕见,特提出报告。 |