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By connecting them to microscopic test tubes and petri dishes, these nanoscale transistors could lead to labs-on-a-chip that work without moving parts.

By concentrated attention upon the center called the solar plexus, comes perfected knowledge as to the condition of the body. 对腹腔神经丛(脐轮)作冥想,便会完全知晓身体运作的知识。
By concentrating on the genealogy of the Hitlers and the trials and tribulations of “Adi's” parents. 梅勒着重描述了希特勒家族,以及阿道夫?希特勒的父母所经历的种种磨难。
By conducting forward-looking research on issues of wide concern emerging in the course of China's economic transition, CIRD provides policy/legislative proposals to departments and authorities of the central government. 围绕中国经济转轨中的重大理论和实践问题进行超前性的研究,并以直谏中国改革为已任,提出政策和立法建议报告。
By confirmed irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit in favour of China National Metals &Minerals Import &Export Corporation___Branch payable at sight allowing partial shipments and transhipment. 付款信用证,信用证以中国五金矿产进出口公司__分公司为受益人并允许分批装运和转船。
By conformal transformation and cassette integration,this model can be used to do a series of numerical calculations,and analyze the cooling and solidifying law of the oil upon shutdown. 该模型综合考虑了有关物性参数随温度的变化以及在冷却过程中油品的凝固问题。
By connecting them to microscopic test tubes and petri dishes, these nanoscale transistors could lead to labs-on-a-chip that work without moving parts. 将这种奈米尺寸晶体管连接微小的试管和培养皿,就可构成没有可动零件的「单芯片实验室」。
By consciously doing so, you take away the environment for the fear to thrive. 用有意识的这么做,你能把恐惧滋生的环境气氛给拿走。
By considering a play-dough object, topologists discover which properties of the object are so fundamental that they exist independently of its geometric structure. 拓扑学家藉由研究黏土物体,发现它们有一些非常基本的性质,这些性质极为基本,以至于和其几何结构毫不相干。
By considering the contact between the teeth and utilizing the face to face contact model with contact element and coulomb friction model, the author have developed a computing method for plastic load of tooth-locked quick actuating pressure vessel based 摘要通过接触单元来数值模拟啮合齿的接触过程,建立了基于整体有限元分析的齿啮式快开压力容器塑性载荷计算方法。
By considering the longitudinal velocity coupling effects on the other dimensions of the underwater vehicle, a motion controller is presented. 根据地形跟踪的方法提出基于虚拟声纳的路径跟踪控制方法,并通过考虑纵向速度对于其他各个白由度运动的影响设计了运动控制器。
By considering the unique elements of this type of working, both employee and employer can avid many possible problems. 通过考虑这种工作方式的独特要素,员工和雇主都能避免许多可能的问题。

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