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Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

Our path is generated by repeatedly going through our open list and choosing the square with the lowest F score. 我们需要的路径是这样生成的:反复的遍历开放列表,选择具有最小F值的方块。
Our paths have come to a point, where although it is sad, we have to part, because now, living together is not a sign of love. 我们已走到那个点,尽管令人伤心,但我们必须分开,因为现在,共同生活不再是爱的象征。
Our paths have finally crossed. 我们终于碰面了。
Our patient underwent postoperative irradiation and, as of his two-year follow-up, was still alive and without symptom. 在此我们报告一罹患有茎型食道平滑肌肉瘤病人使用局部切除合并术后放射治疗成功的案例,该病人追踪至今两年情况良好。
Our patients cannot breathe in and out very slowly while air flow and mouth pressures are measured. 我们的病人在测定气流及口腔压时不能很慢地吸气和呼气。
Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. 他们的露台能望到水平线,而在我们的露台只能望到前院。
Our pay- off period can be as long as15 year, not including3 year grace period. 我们的偿付期可达15年之久,不包括3年的宽限期。
Our payouts go out on the 1st and 15th of each month for commissions earned on a net 30 basis. 我们走出户和15月1日为每月赚取佣金净额1930年的基础.
Our people are an integral part of our business. 员工是我们整个事业中不可或缺的一部分。
Our people are our most valuable asset. 员工是普华永道最有价值的财富。
Our people are suffering at the hands of an oppressor. 我们的人民正在暴君的统治下受苦。

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©2008-至今 生物医药大词典- 自2008年3月1日开始服务 生物谷www.bioon.com团队研发