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Because the company has been making large profits the marker value of its shares is appreciating.

Because the characteristics and outcomes are different among patients with heart failure with varying systolic blood pressure levels, management may need to vary according to this readily available vital sign.said Dr. 因为收缩压不同的心力衰竭患者的特点与预后各不相同,医生应该根据这个可以轻易获得的重要生命指征来调整患者治疗方案,进行个体化治疗。”
Because the chemist was so temperamental that he had an entire department in upheaval.None of the other cerned with perceived slights that he spent all his time fuming and accomplished nothing. 因为这位化学家很容易发脾气,整个部门被他搞得一团糟,没有人愿意和他共事;而他也因为太计较小事而经常怒气冲冲,以致什么成就都没有。
Because the children who live faraway will com back and get together with their family. 因为所有远方的孩子都会返家和他们的家人一起度过。
Because the chondritic asteroids formed after the chondrules did, the initial 26Al to 27Al ratio in chondrules places an upper limit on the amount of 26Al that was available to heat the rocky bodies. 因为球粒陨石小行星是在球粒之后形成,球粒中铝26对铝27的初始比值,决定了能够用来加热石质天体的铝26含量的上限。
Because the color remains under the skin, a tattoo is usually permanent. 因为颜料在皮肤下面,所以纹身的图案一般不会消失。
Because the company has been making large profits the marker value of its shares is appreciating. 该公司一直十分营利,其股票市值正趋上升。
Because the company uses the “direct money and products exchange” sale method, which guarantee the company's capital return on time and current circuit system and avoid the risk of bad debt and dead debt risks, Funon company obtains good financial status 由于实行销售现款现货制,有力地保证了资金及时回笼和公司现金流,完全规避了呆帐、坏帐风险,因此财务状况良好,没有任何不良债权债务,公司运转十分正常。
Because the composite electroplating layer containing diamond grains must be distributed on the hole surface of die, it brings some difficulties to the process. 由于含有金刚石颗粒的复合镀层要镀在胎具的内孔孔壁上,所以给电镀工艺带来一定的困难。
Because the comprador element dominated the feudal element in the Kuomintang, it also dominated in the character of the country's ruler. 国民党内的买办势力压倒了封建势力,所以在蒋介石的性格中,买办性也占了上风。
Because the concentration rangeto be monitored is usually varied according to targetanalyte, we propose methods for controlling the extentof detection on the basis of experience. 因为受监控的浓度范围是根据目标分析物的不同而不同的,所以我们建议基于经验的检测来控制范围。
Because the construction of water conservancy projects and hydroelectric projects peels off more surface soil and occupies large area, compilation and implementation of soil and water conservation scheme are important measures to prevent soil loss by arti 水利水电工程建设项目剥离表土多,施工占地面积大,对其进行水土保持方案编制和实施,是防治人为活动造成水土流失的重要措施。

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