Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. |
中文意思: 图书馆应提供当前或过去议题各种观点的资料与资讯。不应为了个人或教义不同,而被禁制或移除。 |
Librarian:We have a problem, sir.
图书馆员:这儿有点问题喔,先生。 |
Librarian:Well, the books you just returned are five days late.
图书馆员:嗯,你刚刚还的书逾期了五天。 |
Libraries are supposed to serve the entire community.
公共图书馆有义务服务全社会。 |
Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
为了满足供资讯及启发他人的责任,图书馆应该挑战检查制度。 |
Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
图书馆应与相关人士及团体合作,关注被剥夺自由表达及自由近用思想之事。 |
Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
图书馆应提供当前或过去议题各种观点的资料与资讯。不应为了个人或教义不同,而被禁制或移除。 |
Libraries with comprehensive equipments, stadiums, laboratory buildings and audivisual classrooms have been set up in many schools.
贵阳市加大教育投入,改善办学条件,许多学校都建立了设备齐全的图书馆、体育馆、实验楼、电教室等。 |
Libraries, study lounges, and private rooms are ideal.
图书馆,自习室和单独的房间是学习的理想处所。 |
Library Areas: 335 m*m for Reading Room, 335 m*m for Book Storage, 190 m*m for Audiovisual Room and 190 m*m for Reference Room.
五、馆舍面积:阅览室三百三十五平方公尺;书库三百三十五平方公尺;视听室一百九十平方公尺;参考室一百九十平方公尺。 |
Library Case Study of Administrative Law: Can Modem User Be More Frivolous?
图书馆行政法个案:魔电族真能魔高一丈吗? |
Library Outsourcing indicates that a library contracts some secondary professional work to the external service agency.
摘要图书馆业务外包,是图书馆将一些非核心业务部分移交给外包企业来完成。 |