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Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses.

Something that divides or separates, as a wall dividing one room or cubicle from another. 分隔物分开或隔离的事物,如把一间屋子或小卧室与其它的房间隔开的墙
Something that dulls the senses and induces relaxation or torpor. 毒品使感觉迟钝或引起放松或麻痹的物质
Something that gives stability, especially in character. 稳定因素表明稳定性的因素,尤指在性格方面
Something that has been dissected, such as a tissue specimen under study. 解剖体,解剖标本已被解剖的东西,如被研究的组织标本
Something that has been reversed; an opposite. 相反事物被颠倒的事物;对立物
Something that has formed lumpy or fluffy masses. 絮凝物形成团状或棉絮状块的东西
Something that impairs growth, withers hopes and ambitions, or impedes progress and prosperity. 挫折因素,扼杀影响生长、失去希望和抱负或妨碍进步和繁荣的因素
Something that is a combination of disparate or contradictory elements. 兼有相反性质的人或物兼有根本不同的或相互对立的成分的结合体
Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation. 礼物,赠品主动给予并不要报偿的东西
Something that is built, as for human habitation; a structure. 建筑物,房屋为人类居住而建筑的东西;建筑物
Something that is conveyed or signified; sense or significance. 意思;意义被表达或代表的事物;意思或意义

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