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Most Chinese people will lay aside money for a rainy day.
大多数中国人都会存钱 以备不时之需.

Most British pensioners would have more sex if they could turn the clock back, according to a poll. 英国最新一项社会调查显示,老年人觉得最遗憾的事是年轻时性生活过得太少。
Most British wind turbines do not make much noise as they spin around making electricity and people who complain about them should not be losing sleep, according to a study published. 英国大多数的风力涡轮机在旋转发电时,并不会制造太多噪音,有此抱怨的人应该不会失眠,根据一项已发表的研究指出。
Most British women are unaware that breast cancer risk increases with age, a poll suggests. 大多数的英国女性是不知道的乳癌风险以年龄增加,投票建议。
Most Californian adults are overweight. 多数加州人体重过重。
Most Chinese parents will name their newborn child with a common first or middle name, according to the pedigree, or simply to emphasize that their siblings are closely related with that common name. 多数中国父母会根据家谱给他们的新生子女取一个共同的中间名或最尾字和其它兄弟姐妹相同的名,以显示他们兄弟姐妹之间的亲蜜联系。
Most Chinese people will lay aside money for a rainy day. 大多数中国人都会存钱 以备不时之需.
Most Chinese students lack self-confidence when speaking English. 大多数中国学生在讲 英语时缺乏自信心.
Most Chinese think he will be therefrom unwelcome. 大多数中国人认为他将从此不受欢迎。
Most Chinese university students are required to go through military training to enhance patriotism and self-discipline when they enter universities in China. 中国大学生入学时都须接受军事训练,提升自律精神和爱国情操。
Most Chinese were illiterate at the beginning of the 20th century, but the simplification of Chinese characters and education campaigns launched by the Communists helped steadily raise literacy levels among adults, hitting about 90 percent in 2000, accord 联合国有关资料显示,在二十世纪初期,大多数中国人都是文盲,但通过中国共产党领导的汉字简化和教育普及,中国的文盲率逐步减少,到2000年时只有10%。
Most Colombians are of mixed ethnicity; about 20 percent claim European descent. 大部分都是混合哥伦比亚人族群;大约20%的欧洲后裔索赔.

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