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The exhibition stimulated interest in the artist's work.

The exhibition opens with an anonymous painting in which 16th-century Venetian diplomats, identifiable only by their simple dress in comparison with the rich garb of the locals, are being presented to a Mamluk leader. 这个展览开始于一幅无名画作,画中描述了16世纪的威尼斯外交官们(相对于当地人阔绰的装束,他们的服饰相对简朴,只能通过这一点可以将他们便认出来)正被介绍给一名马穆鲁克头目的情景。
The exhibition organizer has a very special function. 展览会的组织者有着非常特殊的作用。
The exhibition promotes environmental awareness and runs from Aug. 30 to Oct. 28. 一名小男孩看著会场的装置艺术——挂在钢质树上的回收宝特瓶。
The exhibition showcases more than 500 photos, 30 exhibits and 120 documents, as well as film footage. 这次展出共有500多幅照片,30个展品,120个文档以及电影胶片。
The exhibition shows the vitality and the open of contemporary Canadian prints. 展现了今日加拿大版画艺术创作的活力和开放的实验性。
The exhibition stimulated interest in the artist's work. 这次展览引起人们对这位艺术家的作品的兴趣.
The exhibition was a summation of his life's work. 这次展览汇集了他一生中典型的作品.
The exhibition was intended to spotlight the damage drugs inflict upon society and family. 展览会的目的是集中揭露毒品对社会和家庭造成的危害。
The exhibition was planned to consist of nine rooms, symbolic settings decorated with paintings, photographs, machines, books nailed to tables and video screens where films would play continuously. 由戈达尔设计的展区原计划包括九个展室,要设立象征性的场景,用绘画,照片,机械部件和钉着书的桌子装饰,还要用显示屏幕连续播放影片。
The exhibition was sponsored by the Society of Culture. 这个展览会是由文化学会主办的。
The exhibition will also be richly rewarding with significant rise in subsequent follow-on sales and spot orders. 通过这项展览会,参展者肯定获益匪浅,不但能够得到展览会现场的订单,而且还会有持续性的后继销售,让销售量持续地节节上升。

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