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I'm sure I could find you a blind date.

I'm supposed to roll. My chute didn't open. And you don't land standing up. So I guess I didn't make it. This must be what it's like to be dead. 按道理我应该是在地上打上几个滚的啊。我的降落伞就是没打开,而且不可能站着落地。我想我完了,我一定是死了,死了可能就是这种感觉。
I'm sure I can do well on this job. 5我一定能干好这项工作。
I'm sure I can learn quickly. 我有信心很快就能学会。
I'm sure I can realize my dream of conquering English. 我确信我能实现攻克英语的梦想。
I'm sure I could do my job satisfactorily. 我相信我可以克尽职守。
I'm sure I could find you a blind date. 我一定可以替你安排一个“蒙眼约会”。
I'm sure I have seen you before. 我确信以前见过你。
I'm sure I will get more improvements as time goes on. 我确信随着时间,我会获得更多改善的。
I'm sure I'll be President. 我必定会当选总统。
I'm sure I'll be resident. 我必定会当选总统。
I'm sure I'll enjoy working here. 我相信,我也喜欢在这里工作的。

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