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The retinal explants from rat at first postnatal day, 3rd postnatal day, one week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks old and of the adult were putin tissue culture to observe the neurite growth after four-day incubation.

The retina processes these images into signals that travel through the optic nerve to the brain. 视网膜将这些图像转换成信号,通过光神经传送至大脑。
The retina processes these images into signals that travel through the opticnaoptic nerve to the brain. 视网膜把这些图像处理成能通过视觉神经传送到大脑的符号。
The retina processes theses images into signals that travel through the optic nerve to the brain. 这些图象经过视网膜的加工后,再通过视神经传向大脑。
The retinal clock produces (stimulates the production of? 视网膜时钟制造(产生刺激?
The retinal edema is gone and the vessels look normal. 视网膜水肿消退,血管正常。
The retinal explants from rat at first postnatal day, 3rd postnatal day, one week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks old and of the adult were putin tissue culture to observe the neurite growth after four-day incubation. 出生后第一天,第三天,一个星期,二个星期,三个星期,四个星期及成人大白鼠之视网膜于组织培养96小时后比较神经轴突生长的情形。
The retinue of Indra consists chiefly of the Gandharvas, a class of genii, considered in the epics as the celestial musicians; and their wives, the Apsaras, lovely nymphs, who are frequently employed by the gods to make the pious devotee desist from carry 因陀罗的随从主要是由乾达婆组成,是一群魔仆,在史诗上被认为是天上的乐师;他们的妻子,一群女精灵,是美丽的少女,经常受雇于众神去让虔诚的献身者停止他某种程度上的严峻考验,从而致使他对他们的力量构成威胁。
The retired couple lived a life of ease. 这对退休夫妇过着安逸的生活。
The retired doctor found a refuge in music. 这位退休医生在音乐中寻得了慰藉。
The retired film star sequestered herself from the world. 这位退休的影星过着隐居的生活。
The retired legend follows former rival Fernando Alonso (2005) in winning the gong, which was awarded to him in recognition of his humanitarian work and record-breaking sporting success. 已退役的传奇车王继前竞争对手阿隆索(2005)之后赢得该奖,这项奖是为了表彰他为人道主义所做的工作及屡破纪录的运动成绩。

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