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The Aphrodite of Melos is made of[1] marble and represents vivdly the goddess Aphrodite.

The Anton Paar 4-bottle scrubber provides environmentally benign and efficient washing and neutralization of reagent vapors from microwave or conventionally heated evaporation processes. 安东帕四瓶式酸雾清洗器提供环境友好的有效清洗,并且能够中和微波消解过程中或传统加热蒸发过程中的试剂蒸汽。
The Anton Paar Density and Sound Velocity Analyzers combine two independent parameters, density and sound velocity, to cover a wide range of applications such as quality control in beer and soft drink production, concentration determination of sulphuric a 安东帕密度和声速分析仪结合两种独立参数--密度和声速,覆盖大范围的应用如:啤酒和软饮料生产中的质量管理、硫酸、发烟硫酸或三元混合液体浓度的测定。
The AoJ console assignment can be altered at any time to allow redistribution of the control over the system between the consoles and creation of any desired view of the system. 可以随时改变权限区域的控制台分配,以允许在控制台间对系统控制的重新分配和创建系统的任何期望视图。
The Aoraki/Mt Cook National Park is spectacular. 欧拉奇/库克山国家公园景色壮阔。
The Aphrodite of Melos is made of[1] marble and represents vivdly the godde Aphrodite. “米洛的阿芙洛狄特”是由大理石制成的,惟妙惟肖地刻画了女神阿芙洛狄特。
The Aphrodite of Melos is made of[1] marble and represents vivdly the goddess Aphrodite. “米洛的阿芙洛狄特”是由大理石制成的,惟妙惟肖地刻画了女神阿芙洛狄特。
The Apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical accomplishment. 阿波罗计划与其说是一项科学成果,不如说是一项技术成就。
The Apostle Paul's promise was that Jesus will transform our lowly body, that it may be conformed to his glorious body(Philippians 3:21). 使徒保罗应许说耶稣能“将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状,和他自己荣耀的身体相似”(腓力比书3:21)。
The Apostle Peter tells us that these promises will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ. 使徒彼得告诉我们这些应许都将在耶稣基督里实现。
The Apostle has reached the end of his Epistle, and begins his last division with the words:”Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord. 当使徒要结束以弗所书的时候,他就用这句话作为最后的一段:“我还有末了的话,我的弟兄们,你们要在主里刚强起来。”
The Apostle teaches clearly that unless we remain truly separate in Christ we will lose our salvation. 使徒清楚地教导我们,除非我们在基督中与属世的真正分开,否则我们就不会得到救赎。

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