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Holy Lhasa- the 1st trip to Tibet of photographers was sponsored by China Tibet Information Center and Tibet Tourism Bureau in 2003. CTIC launched follow-up online.

Hold that pose,said the photographer. 保持那个姿势别动,摄影师说。
Hold thy peace, dear little Pearl!whispered her mother. We must not always talk in the market-place of what happens to us in the forest. “别出声,亲爱的小珠儿!”她母亲悄悄说。“我们在市场这儿可不准谈起我们在树林里遇到的事。”
Hold tight to your own time, hour after hour; you will not depend on the future, if you grasp the present in your hand. 抓紧你自己的时间,一小时接着一小时;如果你掌握住当刻,你就不会依靠未来。
Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. 费译:好莱坞是一个愿意出1000美金让你表演接吻和只愿意出50美分让你表现你的灵魂的地方。
Holmes, the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office! “摩丝,伦敦警察厅傲慢的小官吏!”
Holy Lhasa- the 1st trip to Tibet of photographers was sponsored by China Tibet Information Center and Tibet Tourism Bureau in 2003. CTIC launched follow-up online. 2003年与西藏自治区旅游局合作举办首届摄影家进藏报道——“圣洁拉萨”,并在网上追踪报道活动全程。
Holy Nova: Rank 2 will no longer receive double the intended increase in range from Holy Reach. “神圣新星”:等级2法术范围受“神圣延伸”的影响将不再是提高2倍的效果。
Hombre, there are bodegas open all night long. 老兄,开通宵的酒店有的是。
Home Automation System: The leading edge of home automation technology coupled with the broadband network, setting a new standard in tomorrow's living. 智能家居系统:先进智能家居科技及宽频网络,开拓新一代优越生活!
Homeis a much more emotive word than house. 家是远比住屋更能激起感情的字眼。
Home-made Sushiuses various types of ingredients cleverly combined with sushi rice to make sushi which are different from the common sushi. 这本《自制寿司》是利用各种不同的材料,与寿司饭巧妙配搭之下,制造出与别不同的寿司,各位请勿错过。

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