It impressed me that he remembered my name.
让我印象深刻的是他记得我的名字。 |
It improved security of tomato seedlings Trans-planted.
明显改善番茄品质。 |
It improves digestion and helps us develop antibodies.
水能促进消化并帮助我们产生抗体。 |
It improves on drug-mediated telomerase inhibition, because the cancer cell cannot mutate to resist this treatment -- it would have to create a whole enzyme, telomerase, out of thin air.
它改善了药物介入的端粒酶抑制,因为癌细胞不可能突变来抵抗这种处理──它不能无中生有地创造整个端粒酶。 |
It improves the stability and hard real-time property of the system using memory-mapped files, multi-thread technology, multimedia timer and synchronous object.
在实现过程中采用了多媒体定时器、内存映射文件、多线程、同步对象等技米,保证了系统的稳定性和强实时性。 |
It incarnates Marxist basic viewpoint and it is a thought liberation on Marxism epistemology.
“以人为本”体现了马克思主义的基本观点,是对马克思主义认识论的一次新的思想解放。 |
It incited the government to impose tax on all of the immigrants.
它怂恿政府向所有移民征税,一个也不能豁免。 |
It inclines you to cherish subtle states conducive to a joy that is unknown to most people.
它使你倾向于珍藏一些微妙的光景或状态,这有助于增进一种对很多人而言比较陌生的乐趣。 |
It include the harmonious with the different culture type and the culture main factor, having the characteristic unify completely with science spirit and humanities spirit, world progressing current and the spirit of ethos, satisfying mass spirit needing
它包括不同文化类型和构成文化诸要素之间的和谐,具有科学精神与人文精神、世界进步潮流与民族精神、满足大众的精神需要与提升人的精神境界、有利于人的全面发展与社会健康发展等相统一的特征。 |
It included 2,000 salaried employees, mainly from the sprawling headquarters in suburban Detroit.
其中包括2000名全职雇员,主要来自底特律郊区总部的烂摊子。 |
It included Karaji's binomial theorem and rules of the arithmetic polynomial operations and developed Karaji's theory of polynomial.
其中保存了凯拉吉的关于二项式定理的工作以及多项式的运算法则,并进一步发展了凯拉吉的多项式理论。 |