The government's repression of the strike failed .
政府对这次罢工的镇压失败了。 |
The government's repression of the strike failed.
政府对这次罢工的镇压失败了。 |
The government's repressive policies are sowing the seeds of rebellion.
政府的镇压政策正在播下叛乱的种子。 |
The government's revenue is made up chiefly of the money we pay in taxes.
政府的收入主要来源是靠我们所交的税。 |
The government's supporters welcomed the new law.
拥护政府的人都欢迎新颁布的法规。 |
The government's unconditional cash handouts are scheduled to end in the third quarter of this year.
按照计划,今天第三季度政府将停止无条件发放现金补贴。 |
The government's unusual tactic is to make a string of offers ahead of the talks with unions: unemployment pay for young workers between short-term contracts, notional contributions to boost future pensions, a rise in unemployment benefits, a boost for th
此次政府不同往常的做法是要在与工会商谈之前打出一系列的项目支出:向受雇于短期合同的年轻人提供失业津贴,变相分摊增加的养老金支出,提高失业津贴,提高最低养老金,还有逐步延长最低退休年龄。 |
The government, employment service administrative system, community, family, and mass media are the factors that constitute the functional system of re-socialization.
政府,就业服务管理体系、社区、家庭和大众传播媒介等因素构成对下岗职工再社会化的支持功能系统。 |
The government, focusing on elevating the administrative efficiency, tightens up its self-construction unceasingly, makes effort to build the service-type government, improves the investment environment practically, creates the fair, equal, and public leg
政府不断加强自身建设,以提高行政效能为重点,努力建设服务型政府,切实改善投资环境,积极营造公平公正公开的法制环境、诚信的市场环境、高效廉洁的政务环境、稳定透明的政策环境。 |
The government, he said, should not spend money on their behalf, but should give them vouchers that they could spend on the education they thought best.
他声称,政府不应该替他们出钱,而应该给他们教育券让他们花在自己想花的地方。 |
The government, led by Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, faces a big round of local elections in April and a fiercely contested Upper House election scheduled for July.
这种套息交易使得日圆贬值,而日圆贬值使美国和欧洲汽车制造商和决策者懊恼不以。 |