Thymic involution caused by child abuse might lead to secondary immunodeficiency.
儿童虐待所致的胸腺退缩可能导致继发性免疫机能不全。 |
Thyrses 5-7 cm in diameter, sparsely flowered, with 2-5 white sterile marginal flowers about 2-3 cm in diam.; peduncles 2-4 cm long; fertile flowers yellowish white, corolla c. 3 mm in diam., rotate, lobes ovate, half as long as corolla tubes; stamens nea
聚伞花序直径5-7厘米,花稀疏,外围有2-5朵白色、直径2-3厘米的不孕花,总花梗长2-4厘米;可孕花花冠黄白色,直径约3毫米,辐状,裂片卵形,长约为筒之半;雄蕊与花冠几等长,花药矩圆形;柱头略高出萼齿。 |
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.
你是跟自己作对,教自己受害, |
Théoden: I am happy for you. He is an honorable Man.
赛奥顿:我为你高兴。他是个可敬的人。 |
Ti guarantees freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and petition, freedom from unreasonable searches, right to jury trial, right to due process of law and other legal rights.
他确保了宗教、言论、出版、集会、请愿和免受无理搜查的自由,还确保了接受陪审团审判、享受应有的法律程序和其他合法权利。 |
Ti is said that in some single parent families children live a miserable life.
据说有些单亲家庭的孩子生活很悲惨。 |
Tia Viering, spokeswoman for New7Wonders, said: Apart from the Pyramids, the seven ancient wonders of the world no longer exist.
“新七大奇观”发言人提亚·维灵说:“除了金字塔以外,其他的六大奇观已经消失了。” |
Tia: Not really. Luckily, I grew up in an area that was pretty mixed and open-minded.
蒂雅:好好。很幸运,我成长在一个人种混杂、思想相当开放的地区。 |
Tiago Monteiro: We had quite a good race actually until we had some gearbox issues and we lost a lot of time.
提戈亚-蒙泰罗:在遇到变速箱故障让我们损失很多时间之前,我们实际上有一场很精彩的比赛。 |
Tiago admits he chose Juventus over AC Milan as he signed from Olympique Lyon last week.
蒂亚戈承认他在上周选择了尤文图斯而非AC米兰把他从里昂带走。 |
Tiajin is situated l20 km southeast of Beijing.
天津位于北京东南120公里处。 |