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About Nathir: I would rather choose that Gremlin expert on large maps, butr nathir is very good at rushing and creeping. His fireball speciality is great in the earlygame.

About 95% of the time, this fixed size is tiny, reducing readability significantly for most people over the age of 40. 在95%的情况下,这种被固定的文字字号非常小,值得注意的是对于许多超过40岁的读者来说,大大降低了网页可读性。
About Chinese localization, many local CG artists are inspired by western themes and ignoring their own culture. What's your opinion on this? 还有就是中国化的问题,对于国内CG绘画人士在创作题材上比较崇洋,而很少关注自己的文化这种现状,您个人有什么看法?
About Dan he said: Dan is a lion's cub, springing out of Bashan. 22论但说、但为小狮子、从巴珊跳出来。
About Henry Ford and his workers. 关于亨利福特和他的工人。
About Naphtali he said: Naphtali is abounding with the favor of the LORD and is full of his blessing; he will inherit southward to the lake. 23论拿弗他利说、拿弗他利阿、你足沾恩惠、满得耶和华的福、可以得西方和南方为业。
About Nathir: I would rather choose that Gremlin expert on large maps, butr nathir is very good at rushing and creeping. His fireball speciality is great in the earlygame. 关于纳西尔,我在大地图还是喜欢阿韦,不过纳西尔在速攻等方面还是很有优势的,他的火球在早期很强。
About Paris, we've all heard of lots of good things: romantic, artistic, chic, avant-garde…To different persons, Paris is a collection of wonderful dreams. 关于巴黎的好,我们都听说过许多:浪漫、人文、艺术、流行、前卫…对于不同人,巴黎是许多种的美好的梦想。
About September 1998, he told us that Ji Fung would be sent to shipyard for repair and the workers would take her leave water; he believed that it was a good time to take photo with Ji Fung and suggested us to contact him if we have such intention. 1998年9月,'志风号'要上排(岸)维修,那导师在我们的聚会上提及此事,并且建议那些想跟'志风'拍照的前学员,可以借机到上了排(岸)的'志风号'上去拍照。
About a century ago, in the hilly landscape on the border between Scotland and England, a type of dog was developed that is known today as the Border Collie. 大约100年前,在英格兰和苏格兰交界的山坡地带,一种狗被发展为今天大家所熟知的边境牧羊犬。
About a decade ago software emerged that could match one photograph to another or take a graphic representation—say, a large red dot on a green background—and track down pictures of a rose in a database [see “Finding Pictures on the Web,” by Gary Stix; Sc 早在大约10年以前,就已经有软体能够比对照片,或利用图片的特徵(如绿色背景中的大红点),从资料库里找出玫瑰图片(参见延伸阅读1)。
About a dozen banks have set up shop in Kabul during the past year and two wireless telecoms providers have invested more than $100m. 去年,约有12家银行在喀布尔设点,有两家无线电信供应商已在阿投资逾1亿美元。

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