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But in the plus of total community hobby, it may appear the Condorcet Pradox and disaccord between different vote procedure.

But in the night following, the Lord stood by him and said, Take courage, for as you have solemnly testified to the things concerning Me in Jerusalem, so also you must testify in Rome. 11当夜,主站在保罗旁边说,你当壮胆,你怎样在耶路撒冷郑重的为我作了见证,也必照样在罗马为我作见证。
But in the oppressive situation, teachers also act as sub-oppressors. 但在具体的压迫环境下,教师却充当著次压迫者的角色。
But in the past this was not true. 但在过去却并非如此。
But in the past, politicians acted as a brake on big business to ensure that the business class didn't threaten their power. 但以往,政治家往往在企业过于强大而威胁其政力前踩刹车。
But in the place which Jehovah will choose in one of your tribes, there you shall offer up your burnt offerings, and there you shall do all that I am commanding you. 14惟独耶和华从你的一个支派中所选择的地方,你要在那里献上燔祭,行我一切所吩咐你的。
But in the plus of total community hobby, it may appear the Condorcet Pradox and disaccord between different vote procedure. 但是在加总群体偏好中,会出现孔多塞悖论和不同投票程序之间的不自洽。
But in the popular mind, the main difference between the two systems is that Jyotish uses the sidereal zodiac and Western astrology uses the tropical. 但在普遍的思想里,两者之间主要的不同就是周谛士是使用恒星黄道带,而西洋占星术是作用热带黄道带。
But in the rainy season Zimbabweans dreaming of a better life drown in the surging waters, or are occasionally killed by crocodiles. 但是在雨季时分,津巴人所梦想的美好生活却破灭了,他们有的因为过河时被急流淹死,有的则被河中的鳄鱼咬死。
But in the real construction process, soil nail and anchor rod are often regarded as the same type of supports excavation. 但在实际施工过程中,经常把土钉支护和锚杆支护误看成是同一种支护方式。
But in the real estate market, there are still many acute problems left that the rules can not tackle, such as land reserving system, system of advance sale, the unscientific taxation system of real estate, developing cast as business top secret, a large 然而,房地产市场仍然有很多问题,诸如不完善的土地储备制度、被利用的预售制度、混乱繁重而不合理的房地产税制、作为商业机密的房地产开发成本、外资抬高房价等等,在国十五条实施后无法解决,还可能继续存在,甚至更加凸显。
But in the same year, cigarette smoking cost the government even more money, about 28 billion yuan. 但是在同一年,吸烟使政府付出更多的钱,约为280亿元。

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