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I've got enough story for seven books and I never meant to carry the story beyond the end of book seven.

I've got an important announcement to make. 我有件重要事情要宣布。
I've got an inflammation of lymph. 我的淋巴发炎了。
I've got an insight into the problem. 我对问题豁然开朗。
I've got boxes of tapes, evidence, other documents proving it! 我有录音文件一切证据都能证实!
I've got dibs on the backseat when we drive home. 我们开车回家时,我有坐后座的权利。
I've got enough story for seven books and I never meant to carry the story beyond the end of book seven. “我已经在七本书中说足了故事,我从未想过结局会在七本书之外。
I've got faith of the heart. 因为我心中已拥有信念。
I've got gameness several generations back. You should see my pedigree! 我有着几代不服输的背景,你可以查我的血统!
I've got heaps to tell you. 我有很多话要跟你说.
I've got high hopes for the tournament and I'm not just talking about England's chances. 我对本次旅行充满期待,我不止谈论英格兰的机会。
I've got interested in hi-fi. I'm building my own equipment. 我对高保真收音机发生了兴趣,我正在自己装配一台。

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